
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Introducing Sassymouth and Her New Best Friend

Alright, i going to just get this out of the way this is a pro Ana blog. I'm going to admit that I'm new to this whole eating disorder thing, i mean i have anorexic tendencies for a while now, and i had been trying to fight it, but I lost.
So this is my white flag waving, i give up, i give up food, i give up any respect i had for myself, I am completely and utterly spent, looks like Ana wins this time. I have been eating next to nothing for about two weeks now and I have already lost 6 pounds, at this rate I'll be a skinny bitch by summer! (note the sarcastic tone) Yay me *_*
Now I'm not encouraging others to be anorexic (because trust me it's not that fun) i just need something to take my mind off of food. Right now, I'm so hungry i could eat a McDonald's Big Mac (then not eat for an entire week) but I've already had two pieces of broccoli today and i feel like a big fat fattie.
That's another thing about me, being a new anorexic, i actually have no idea what I'm doing i mean i go on all these other pro Ana sites and everyone seems to know what their doing. They all have meal plans, the best excuses not to eat, tutorials of how to purge (thankfully for me it hasn't gotten to that yet), i thought anorexics just didn't eat at all i mean that's pretty much what I do, i only eat when my mom forces me to. I guess i still have a lot to learn about my new best friend Ana, i can't wait! *_*

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