
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Damn Grandma

Now i knew this would happen some time down the road i had just hoped it would have been a little farther. I was doing so well and then Crazy Grandma called me down for dinner and watched me while i ate every single thing on my plate! I mean come on!! I love my grandma to pieces but that was overkill. She didn't even use a small plate she used ones of those huge ones, (the ones Tex-Mex restaurants use, the ones that if filled could probably feed an entire family for a week if it was any where else but America) and whenever i put my fork down she gave me a look. A look that said "eat the whole thing damnit or i'll shove it down your throat" kind of look. Apparently Grandma bear got fang!!

Just when i thought it was over, she brings out dessert. Kill me now! I'm already hungry enough to eat about anything, and she's had to bring out an ice box cake, my favorite fucking dessert. That B! So i did something I'm not proud of. I ate a piece,.... or two,... or three.. Dammit all to hell this is going to be such a bitch in the morning when i step on that scale!! And tomorrow's Friday which means I'm going to the circus (Yes, I do go to the Circus Thank you very much) maybe I'll just skip lunch tomorrow, and I'll tell Crazy Grandma that the food at the circus is way too greasy to even be considered food so hopefully i can go the entire day without eating a thing. Sounds like a plan, Grandma watch out cause Maddi like a puma, and you ain't gonna get this Fat ass to eat!
Ok so i just quoted Hannah Montana, i think that i should go nappy by!!
Night, laters

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